What Direction Should You Lay Your Wood Floor? – Great Conversation Starters

will meet your family’s needs. It’s just one of the choices that you’ll need to consider. You will also have determine which direction you will install the hardwood. The expert wood flooring installer will be able to assist you with the right choice. In this video you’ll learn a few suggestions to help you decide on the right way to lay the flooring.

The flooring you choose to install should be in line with your windows. That means the flooring must be facing towards but away from windows. Be aware of which direction the sun sets and rises if you have several sets of windows. This is why you want your floors facing East and West. Also, you’ll want your floor of wood to look towards your entrance. It’s more appealing for guests to enter your house. There are instances where you’d prefer to place the boards parallel to a door. If the space was longer than the perpendicular side, this would apply.
